What would robin hood do?

At Tom TV we believe in shared value. 

We believe that win-win exchanges are the best way to solve our social problems and create access to equal opportunity in our lifetime.  

Globally South Africa has the highest economic inequality in the world with a growing gap between the rich and the poor. The internet can be the start of opportunity by giving users access to information, jobs and entertainment that most of us take for granted. In order to make that sustainable we give brands the opportunity to engage with users to sell products or services.

watch our video to find out more

See what our users experience when they log on to
Tom TV

See what our users experience when they log on to Tom TV

Our Single Minded focus is selling stuff

in partnership with informal retailers

The informal sector is a R70Bn contributor to our economy and the only growing sector in retail.
We love the informal economy, we love its vibrancy, innovation, grit and potential to create employment opportunities for all South Africans. Using WiFi as a medium, we work hard to partner with brands and store owners to deliver increased sales for all.

“Every now and then a technology or concept comes along that has the potential to transform the world, and make a sustainable and positive impact on society. This is one of those concepts. I endorse the Tomfoolery TV platform without hesitation or reservation therefore.”

Tomfoolery TV is at the cutting edge of transforming the media landscape, and how brands engage with their consumers, with a clear link through their respective distribution channels. The platform allows me to reach my consumers that I otherwise would not be able to reach outside of traditional media that is on the decline, and is becoming increasingly more expensive and therefore prohibitive to leverage. The beauty is that the platform is built on symbiosis – the customer gains free internet access; the brand gains valuable exposure directly with the consumer, at an affordable and sustainable cost; and the informal spaza is able to gain favour with his or her customer base, and at the same time move services or merchandise sales through their business. The Tomfoolery TV platform is not a concept – it is a proven business model that has delivered real results with pleasing ROI’s, and is a channel that we plan on exploiting and growing with a significantly larger portion of our Marketing budget going forward. “

– Donovan Baney, Managing Director of Mr Price